peneroka yang mencari ilmu

peneroka yang mencari ilmu

Ahad, 22 April 2012


Ummati Ummati !!! Do you know 1400 years ago Somebody Loved You.

You were not even there. You were not even born then, but Somebody Cried for you many Nights asking Allah Almighty for YOUR Forgiveness,

He was Miserable for YOU, wanted to Save YOU from anything Bad. He wanted nothing less than JANNAH for YOU. He had Wives, Children, Friends & Family who adored Him, but he will keep repeating your name on the day of Resurrection. Ya Ummati Ya Ummati. What have we done in reply to our NABI (Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam's ) Love? NOTHING!!

But from Today onwards we will try Insyaallah to follow His Sunnah...won't we ?


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